Part 5: Pest Control – Taking Action

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Part 5: Pest Control – Taking Action

#IPM   #PestManagement  Part 5 defines for preventative, direct action and escalated direct action. When pests begin to surface, this chapter talks about ways to defend your facility with tolerance example responses.
Pest Control Actions
Our Integrated Pest Management recommendations paper gives you examples of what to consider for plans with white flies, fungus gnats, root aphids, powdery mildew and biofilm on plumbing or surfaces. These follow the preventative action, direct action, escalated direct action and pesticide approaches for each example. These are options to plan for water sources, root treatment, tunneling, crawling and flying phases.
Escalate your response based on your scouting activity and your plan. Add your sticky traps, de-leafing, root drench, foliar sprays or knock down sprays as defined by your pest population control actions document.