Plant Science Research

New Rice Variety Shows Promise for Improved Quality and Yield

New Rice variety study

A new study published in Nature by Lu et al. found that Yuenongsimiao (YNSM), an indica rice variety, has excellent milling and appearance, cooking, and nutritional quality. YNSM also has a high yield, high quality, and disease resistance, making it an ideal candidate for rice breeding.

The study examined the milling and appearance quality, cooking quality, starch rapid viscosity analyzer (RVA) profile, and nutritional quality of YNSM grains. Results showed that YNSM had low amylose contents and a high gel consistency, which exhibited significant correlations with the RVA profile, such as hot paste viscosity, cool paste viscosity, setback viscosity, and consistency. In addition, the study identified five genes related to the length-to-width ratio (LWR) and the Wx gene used to detect the primary quality genotype of YNSM.

YNSM was found to be a semi-long-grain rice with a relatively high brown rice rate, milled rice rate, head rice yield, and low chalkiness. The results indicated that the LWR and food quality of YNSM might be related to gs3, gw7, and Wxb.

Furthermore, the study reports the quality characteristics of hybrid rice developed using YNSM as a restorer line. The findings suggest that the quality characteristics and the genotype for grain quality determined through gene analysis in YNSM may facilitate breeding of new rice varieties that achieve a balance of grain yield, resistance, and quality.

Rice quality is a complex trait that involves grain appearance, milling, cooking, eating, and nutritional quality. For many years, rice breeding has contended with imbalances in rice yield, quality, and disease and lodging resistance. The study’s findings provide promising insight into potential solutions for these challenges.

With its high yield, high quality, and disease resistance, YNSM can be a game-changer in rice breeding. It offers a new approach to developing rice varieties that balance grain yield, resistance, and quality. The findings also highlight the importance of gene analysis in developing new rice varieties and improving overall rice quality.

Read the rest of the study here.

Photo by Pierre Bamin on Unsplash 

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