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Australia: Meet the young gardener feeding his community

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His mum has seen the project give him drive and determination, and as a way of dealing with lockdown just as he’d started high school

Gardening Australia is an ABC TV
Mar 30, 2020

Costa visits a young gardener whose new patch is already feeding his family and has helped him become involved in the wider community. Subscribe ?

Jude, 14, says the productive garden started with a row of snow peas two years ago, but it soon expanded and now he’s out there every day.

He loves seeing his family eating the produce from the patch.

The tomatoes are supported by a trellis of string woven between stakes.

There are several types of lettuce and endive in the salad patch, and Jude has already learnt to leave some plants to go to seed to provide for the next crop.

Jude sells any surplus greens at a local shop.

“It just resets you,” he says of spending time in the garden – he’s out there every day after school. “But it’s not so much of a chore, it’s a joy,” he adds.

His mum Mary Bennett has seen the project give him drive and determination, and as a way of dealing with lockdown just as he’d started high school.

Jude is also involved with other green thumbs as a volunteer with the Farm it Forward movement set up by Manu Prigioni nearby in the Blue Mountains.

The group takes over land that owners are not using and produces food for the community. “It provides us with hope for the future,” says Manu of Josh’s passion for growing food.

“The good thing about gardening is it’s never-ending. The constant learning in gardening is the best – I love it,” says Jude.

Read the complete article here.