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UK: Woodbridge allotment holders issued with eviction notices

Roger Bridgeman waited 30 years for a quarter plot at the allotments at Kingston Field, Woodbridge

A Suffolk council has issued eviction notices to allotment holders who have had a plot for more than five years.

Mar 15, 2022


“I was absolutely shocked – some of our members were in floods of tears.”

The council said there were 25 residents on the waiting list, some of whom had waited for 15 years for a plot. Kingston Field is the only allotment site in the town, which has a population of nearly 8,000.
“Whilst we have attempted to secure additional land for allotments and have looked at developing a community garden elsewhere on our estate, neither of these endeavours have so far been successful,” it said.

It said those who have had an allotment for more than five years would be given 12 months’ notice from 1 April.

More recent tenants would be given “sufficient notice to take their term to five years from the beginning of their tenancy”.

Read the complete article here.