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Amanda Weaver’s Ruminants Assist in Urban Farm Research

Weaver created the certificate program in sustainable urban agriculture within the Geography & Environmental Studies Department where she teaches. CU Denver GES students can use her farm as a field study location to conduct research.

By Alicita Rodriguez
CU Denver
University Communications
Dec 15, 2020


Because of Weaver’s interest in the subject and her desire to keep the farm’s agricultural roots intact, Louise agreed to sell her the property, and she generously allowed Weaver to purchase it in installments. Now called Five Fridges Farm, the 13-acre property includes a farmhouse, commercial kitchen, and multiple barns, as well as open space bordering Lena Gulch.

Weaver found herself in a quandary: She was getting her doctoral degree in geography and had little practical knowledge of agricultural work. In fact, at age 40, she was what the industry calls a “Young Farmer.” She would need to figure out what to farm and how to do it. And she wanted to use the farm as a community resource and educational opportunity.

Ultimately, Weaver created the certificate program in sustainable urban agriculture within the Geography & Environmental Studies Department where she teaches. CU Denver GES students can use her farm as a field study location to conduct research. Students can also tour the farm as individuals or on class field trips (this is more complicated by social distancing guidelines, but Weaver welcomes farm inquiries via email).

But back when she started farming, she quickly got into trouble with the city of Wheat Ridge. The problem? Weeds. In her attempt to reinvigorate the soil, which had been overgrazed by horses, she had let the back of the farm grow wild—too wild for the likes of some of her neighbors. Some simply thought the tall weeds were ugly, but other area residents thought those weeds were responsible for allergy attacks.

Read the complete article here.