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Germany: ‘Datsche’ – Film takes place in East Germany in a garden allotment colony

Valentine tires of the quiet allotment life and accidentally invites some random people from the internet to join him in his garden

The film “Datsche” by Lara Hewitt

The unsuccessful New York actor Valentin moves to a sunny allotment garden near Potsdam after the death of his grandfather. In the attic of the dacha he has inherited, he meets Adam, a refugee Ethiopian who is hiding from an impending deportation from Germany. While Valentin promises to keep Adam’s secret, the harmony of their flat share is made possible by the curiosity of those who love order

Neighbors and the arrival of couch-surfing guests from all over the world put to the test …

A refreshing summer fairy tale about friendships that go beyond borders and garden fences.

“Datsche” is an independent film made by an international group of film-lovers and film-makers. Datsche was filmed in English and German (with a smattering of Spanish) and with a cast of professional and non-professional actors on a garden allotment in Potsdam, Germany.

Film site here.

In online film festival here.