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‘I just know my stuff’: 8-year-old Kendall Rae Johnson talks urban farming, community and fresh food

At just eight years old, Atlanta native Kendall Rae Johnson is the youngest certified farmer in the nation. Photos by Kerri Phox/The Atlanta Voice

“If they don’t know where their food comes from, how are they gonna be a farmer if they want to be a farmer?”

By Laura Nwogu
The Atlanta Voice
April 30, 2024


LN: I see. I’m learning so many new things today.

KJ: “Hmm, it seems like something’s been eating my plants. Ooh, there’s a big hole right there. This can only mean one thing: hornworms.

“It’s hornworm season. Hornworms will eat your plant in a whole night. That’s why we have to put down something that has a really really strong smell to keep them away.”

LN: What does a day on the farm look like for you?

KJ: “A day on the farm looks like a whole bunch of fun and a little bit of work. A lot of the times, me and my dog go running through here and all the way over there to check on the plants.”

LN: I didn’t know you guys had a bee nest. You make honey?

KJ: “Yeah. Sometimes our beekeeper Mr. Bill comes over here to check on the bees. It’s important that we can leave it there because that way the flowers that are there there can be pollinated.”

LN: And your great-grandmother gave you this land, right?

KJ: “So my great-grandmother gave my mom this land, and then my mom gave me this land.”

Read the complete article here.


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