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Urban Agriculture Magazine — call on ‘Next Practices and Future Policies’

RUAF, in collaboration with the European Forum on Urban Agriculture (EFUA), invites proposals to contribute to the 41st issue of Urban Agriculture Magazine (UAM) on the topic of Next Practices & Future Policies for Urban Agriculture.

The EFUA project is entering its final year! This four year project, funded by the EU Horizon 2020 programme, has been unlocking the potentials of urban agriculture (UA) by mapping best practices and policies and enabling networks in and outside of Europe. The forthcoming issue of UAM will include a dedicated EFUA section that outlines some of the key lessons, reflections and recommendations that came out of the project.

Moreover, EFUA wants to take a glance into the future, beyond the end of the project. What challenges and opportunities lie ahead of us?

To this end, RUAF and EFUA invite contributions from UA practitioners and experts around the globe. We welcome proposals for articles on future pathways for UA development, as well as on promising policy approaches and networks that help valorize the multiple benefits of UA.

Please send a short abstract of your proposed contribution (max. 500 words) to and by February 11th.