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UK: Over 60 allotments across Newcastle are managed and operated by Urban Green Newcastle

This year marks the 21st anniversary of the national week with the National Allotment Society claiming “interest in growing your own fruit and vegetables has never been stronger since the WW2 Grow for Victory campaign” last year.

By Jason Button
Newcastle World
3rd Aug 2023


Over 60 allotments across Newcastle are managed and operated by Urban Green Newcastle, a charitable trust set up by Newcastle City Council which in turn runs the Newcastle Allotment Working Group.

The Newcastle Allotment Working Group (NAWG) is an advisory group used to manage allotment sites across the city.

In addition to the NAWG, each allotment site is self managed by an association whose committees oversee the running and operation of allotment sites.

Applying for an allotment across the city is a simple process. All potential green-fingered residents need to do is fill in a form on the NAWG website before a member of the committee contacts the applicant.

From here, applicants are expected to be placed on a waiting list until a preferable plot is available. These waiting lists vary in length depending on the amount of free plots available at the requested sites and the amount of requests for these sites.

The cost of allotments vary between the site, size of the plot and who is running the site. As an example, North Tyneside Council charge those in control of allotment plots £5 per ten square metres while South Tyneside plots range from £69.45 per year to £149.35 per year.

Complete story.