AgriBusiness Mushroom Farming

Smallhold Gains B Corp Certification

Smallhold, a company specializing in sustainably grown mushrooms, has announced its official designation as a Certified B Corporation.

Smallhold, a company specializing in sustainably grown specialty mushrooms, has proudly announced its official designation as a Certified B Corporation. This marks a significant milestone in the company’s dedication to addressing the planet’s greatest challenges. Smallhold now joins the community of over 6,000 Certified B Corporations from 150 industries across 80 countries, including renowned brands such as Patagonia, Tony’s Chocolonely, and Ben & Jerry’s.

Smallhold’s CEO and Co-founder, Andrew Carter, expressed his immense pride in the team for their tireless work in developing the company’s values and holding themselves accountable in increasingly rigorous ways. He highlighted their impressive score of 91.6 on their first-ever B Lab assessment and their commitment to continuously improving their performance in the areas of Environment, Governance, Community, Workers, and Customers.

As a B Corp, Smallhold voluntarily upholds rigorous social and environmental performance standards, fostering accountability and transparency. The company is committed to measuring and managing its impact on its workforce, local communities, and the environment with the same level of dedication and scrutiny applied to its financial performance.

At the core of Smallhold’s efforts lies the incredible power of mushrooms. Mushrooms are one of the most sustainable foods one can eat, and making them more accessible and better understood has the potential to have a significant positive ripple effect on our broken food system.

Travis Breihan, Impact Manager at Smallhold, highlighted the unique skills and values that Smallhold brings to the B Corp movement. The company has been collaborating with chefs, grocers, and home cooks to bring the joy of mushrooms to homes and kitchens across the country. They have also built networks with local composters and farmers to improve soil health. Through their sustainable agriculture practices, Smallhold has created nearly 100 full-time jobs.

Smallholds’ values are deeply ingrained in their DNA and day-to-day operations. They prioritize spent mushroom substrate (SMS) circularity by composting or donating 100% of the waste product. This not only contributes to a circular economy but also reduces landfill waste and provides resources for local community members to grow their mushrooms. Smallhold has diverted 50,000 mushroom blocks to home mycologists, local gardeners, and farmers.

The company has been using compostable packaging for its fresh mushrooms since day one, avoiding over 50,000 lbs of plastic and upcycling 48,000 lbs of paper in the last 2.5 years. Smallhold operates highly sophisticated indoor farms powered by proprietary technology in strategic locations, which not only produce higher yields and quality but also mitigates crop loss and overproduction, reducing waste from the start.

Smallholds’ commitment to renewable energy sources has led to a significant 30% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions compared to conventional practices. They also ensure that all team members receive a living wage, promoting personal and professional growth. Engaging with the community is a crucial aspect for Smallhold, which organizes public block pickup events and educational initiatives. They partner with mycology groups to raise awareness about fungi and promote sustainable farming practices.

Lindsey Wilson, Associate Director of Growth at B Lab U.S. & Canada, expressed excitement in welcoming Smallhold to the community of Certified B Corporations. She acknowledged the company’s commitment to transparency and sustainability as a significant milestone in the food and farming landscape. Smallhold’s dedication to social and environmental impact signifies a new era in food production and farming.

B Corp Certification encompasses a comprehensive approach that addresses various social and environmental issues, highlighting Smallhold’s commitment to holistic sustainability. Achieving and maintaining this certification involves rigorous processes that engage teams and departments across the entire organization.

Smallhold products can be found in top retailers across the country, and the company prioritizes understanding the unique needs of each community they operate within. They have implemented various initiatives such as soil remediation programs, educational tours, and food donation programs to support and engage with their local communities.

Smallhold’s journey as a Certified B Corporation demonstrates its commitment to sustainable practices, transparency, and social responsibility. Their innovative approach to food production and farming paves the way for a more responsible and sustainable future. As part of the B Corp movement, Smallhold’s leadership and impact will undoubtedly contribute to the global efforts towards a fair and inclusive economy.

Image provided by Smallhold


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