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The Sky Farm at Eskenazi Health is open to patients, staff and the community in Indianapolis

The produce is harvested and used in food and nutrition classes run by Eskenazi Health outpatient dietitians at various Eskenazi Health sites. To join one of the classes, please click here.

Eskenazi Health website


Part of the healing environment of the Eskenazi Health downtown campus, The Sky Farm has 5,000 square feet of growing space dedicated to 25 – 30 different produce crops and flowers. The initial planting began in the spring of 2014, just after the Sidney & Lois Eskenazi Hospital opened. The harvest has grown to more than 4,000 pounds each year.

The Sky Farm is typically open 24 hours a day, seven days a week. However, occasionally it is closed for private events. During an event, signs with the time of reopening are posted just outside the doors. To access The Sky Farm, please take the Green Elevators in the Sidney & Lois Eskenazi Hospital to the seventh floor.
