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This couple is turning a vacant lot into an urban farm in Sioux Falls

IronFox Farms took floodplain land and turned it into an urban farm. Now, the nonprofit run by a local couple is partnering with an elementary school.

By Megan Raposa
SF Simplified
6 Apr 2022


Dan and Megan EisenVos first noticed the vacant plot of land when they moved to east-central Sioux Falls in 2020. A year later – and with a deal from the previous owner – it was theirs.

Now, the farm is a registered nonprofit, zoned as conservation space and recognized by the USDA. They’ve also partnered with nearby Eugene Field Elementary School to teach students about planting, tending and harvesting a garden plot.

IronFox Farms has two main goals, Dan EisenVos said. One is providing food to local children and community members, and two is to create a small urban farm model that can be replicated in other areas.

The couple has also planted trees, set up compost and plans to add a section of native wildflowers to create a monarch sanctuary on the land. Their hoping someday it could also be a neighborhood gathering place for events or even a farmer’s market.

The partnership also helps Eugene Field meet its goal of teaching “Nature Smarts” as part of its curriculum, Principal Dustin Mees said.

Read the complete article here.