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Bhakti Urban farm cultivating holistic living in Houston, Texas

The Farm offers guided yoga classes for $10.

By Zarah Parker
The Leader
Aug 18, 2021


Bhakti Urban Farm accomplishes this through sustainability practices, like caring for land and cows, as well as through performing arts, music, meditation and yoga.

To broaden its exposure to the local community, the farm has a newly branded event, “Soulebrate Sundays,” which will now take place once a week from 9 a.m.-noon.

Visitors can take a tour around the farm’s garden, which is around an acre in size, stay for the “Bhakti Circle” – a meditation program – and finish their time at the farm, with lunch provided by the farm. There is no fee to attend, but donations are welcome.

“We’ve always had people come on the farm on the weekend,” Kote said. “There was feedback to ‘brand’ it so people in the community could understand and participate.”

Kote mentioned that the farm has long had a type of meditation circle and lunch on Sundays, but by putting a name to it, is inviting more people to stop by and become part of it.

While volunteers are welcome to come on Saturday to help tend the garden, Kote said visitors who want can also bring their gardening tools on Sunday to work in the garden.

Bhakti Urban Farm offers guided yoga classes for $10. Walk-ups are welcome, but residents who want to join can also sign-up and see the event calendar on the farm’s website:

Read the complete article here.