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Canada: CRETAU Publishes Economic Fact Sheets On Urban Farms

Carrefour de recherche d’expertise et de transfert en agriculture urbaine (CRETAU)

Éric Duchemin
Scientific and Training Director CRETAU
Camille Huot Associate Director CRETAU

We are proud to announce the publication, in English, of 4 of our economic fact sheets on urban farms.

Rooftop production
Mushroom production
Microgreen production
Edible insect rearing

Emerging urban agriculture fields include rooftop farming, microgreen production, mushroom production, edible insect reading, and indoor food production are a particular focus of the Carrefour de recherche d’expertise et de transfert en agriculture urbaine (CRETAU).

In order to guide persons who wish to launch an urban farm project or decision-makers and financial institutions who wish to support them, the CRETAU has developed, during the last years, economic fact sheets in collaboration with dozens of enterprises. Based on business case analyses as well as on data collected from these producers, in various contexts, these fact sheets provide basic information on the potential costs of establishing and operating such farms. Now four of them are available in English :

Rooftop production:
Mushroom production:
Microgreen production:
Edible insect rearing:

Les versions françaises sont disponibles ici :

Laboratoire sur l’agriculture urbaine (AU/LAB)

For more than 10 years, the Laboratoire sur l’agriculture urbaine (AU/LAB) has established a research and actions platform to mobilize professionals, researchers, decision-makers and entrepreneurs on the subjects of urban agriculture and food. Along with the Carrefour de recherche, d’expertise et de transfert en agriculture urbaine (CRETAU), a research, expertise and knowledge transfer center run by AU/LAB and focussed on commercial urban agriculture in Québec (Canada), the AU/LAB have a provincial (state) and international reach, especially among worldwide francophone communities. The CRETAU is funded by Québec Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (MAPAQ).

English translation has been made possible in part by the Government of Canada.