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Jamila Norman, Host of ‘Homegrown,’ Is Teaching Us About Urban Farming

During the pilot, Jamila helps a family rehabilitate an old chicken coop and helped raise their vegetable beds.

By Anna Garrison
May 6, 2021


When Chip and Joanna Gaines announced their Magnolia Network for DIY-focused content, most people thought they meant fixing up houses or long-term knitting projects. DIY applies to farming too, and the new show Homegrown is teaching audiences the best practices for urban farming taught by professional urban gardener Jamila Norman.

The series Homegrown follows Jamila Norman, a 10-year farming veteran who owns Patchwork City Farms in Atlanta, Georgia. Her property is 1.2 acres of land, which many would assume isn’t enough to have a fully-fledged farm.

Jamila is a master urban farmer with a degree in Environmental Engineering from the University of Georgia, and she makes a little space go a long way! Everything she grows is then sold at the local farmer’s market.

Jamila learned to appreciate farming by hearing stories from her mother, who grew up on her great-grandparents’ farm in Jamaica. She was inspired to have her farm someday, and while urban farming might not be what she expected, Jamila is clearly up to the challenge.

Read the complete article here.