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Starseeds, an urban farm and plant-based marketplace, recently opened a vegan mobile market in Las Vegas.

The mission of Starseeds is to “plant seeds of conscious consumption, not just when it comes to animal agriculture, but other aspects that harm animals and the environment.”

By Diana Edelman
Vegans Baby
Feb 5, 2021


She’s an urban farmer whose microgreens and sprouts are available for purchase and featured on the salads and sandwiches at Starseed. They are harvested daily for the market and are another super nutrient-dense product. Clark creates new microgreens and sprouts mixes weekly.

In fact, Starseeds was started because of microgreens.

Travi and Clark were growing microgreens for restaurants and hotels pre-COVID. But, when the pandemic hit the two transitioned from business-to-business to the public. They partnered with other farms and local producers to create a local plant-based market online to sell their greens.

But they wanted more.

“We are hoping a physical presence will bring more orders in and we can bring more local producers back,” says Clark.

Now, they have the mobile market and can share their love of microgreens with the public.

“This allows us the ability to to show people in person how tasty [microgreens] are and how to use them,” she says.

The mission of Starseeds is to “plant seeds of conscious consumption, not just when it comes to animal agriculture, but other aspects that harm animals and the environment.”

The market tries to be low-waste, and customers can bring their own containers to take home the produce and dried goods.

Read the complete article here.