Plant Science Research

Black Pepper Leaf Disease Detection System Developed In Study

Kini, V and Pai (2024) developed an intelligent computer vision system using deep learning to diagnose leaf diseases in black pepper plants.

Key Takeaways

  1. Kini, V and Pai (2024) developed an intelligent computer vision system using deep learning to diagnose leaf diseases in black pepper plants.
  2. The system employs state-of-the-art transfer learning techniques with convolutional neural networks (CNNs).
  3. The training was conducted on the ImageNet dataset, followed by predictions on a newly developed black pepper leaf image dataset.
  4. The study identified diseases like anthracnose, slow wilt, early-stage phytophthora, phytophthora, and yellowing.
  5. The proposed Resnet18 model achieved the highest accuracy of 99.67%, demonstrating the effectiveness of this approach in early-stage disease detection in agriculture.

Advanced Deep Learning System for Early Detection of Black Pepper Leaf Diseases

Introduction to the Study

A pioneering study by Kini, V and Pai in 2024 introduces a breakthrough in agricultural technology with the development of a smart computer vision system. This system is designed to diagnose leaf diseases in black pepper, a plant widely used in Ayurvedic medicine for its therapeutic properties.

Methodology and Technology

The research employs an intelligent transfer learning technique through deep learning implementation using convolutional neural networks (CNNs). The training of these networks was conducted on the extensive ImageNet dataset, a popular resource for machine learning. The trained network was then utilized to predict diseases in a specially developed dataset of black pepper leaf images.

Dataset and Disease Identification

The new dataset comprises real-time leaf images taken directly from fields and annotated under the supervision of an expert. The focus was identifying key black pepper leaf diseases, including anthracnose, slow wilt, early-stage phytophthora, phytophthora, and yellowing.

Deep Learning Models and Results

Deep learning models like Inception V3, GoogleNet, SqueezeNet, and Resnet18 were tuned using hyperparameters such as initial learning rates, optimization algorithms, image batches, epochs, and validation and training data. The Resnet18 model, in particular, outperformed all others, achieving an accuracy of 99.67%. This high accuracy and low validation loss underscores the system’s efficiency in early-stage disease detection.

Implications for Agriculture

This study represents a significant improvement in agricultural technology, offering a cutting-edge method for early-stage leaf disease identification and prediction. The successful application of deep learning networks in predicting early-stage diseases in black pepper leaves can significantly aid in timely disease prevention, potentially reducing crop losses and enhancing yields.

Read the rest here.

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